Effective Web Design to Increase Sales

DigTech Digital Marketing Services & Web Design to Increase Sales

An effective web design is when the website fulfills its purpose. Usually, that is to make sales!

Key strategies for effective web design includes:

  1. Use the webpage to develop Company Branding. It’s colors and design should reflect the company brand.
  2. Keep the navigation simple and its hierarchy organized. 
  3. Content and website features should follow an Intuitive flow of events. Be where the audience expects it to be.
  4. Layout consistency increases viewer understanding of what to expect on your webpage.
  5. Readability is most important. Choose text readability over colorful text and features. Remember too that your audience may want to print information on your website, so the colors and layouts must also be print-friendly. 
  6. Build your website to be SEO friendly. When the content can be in text, keep it as text and not as image.
  7. Keep your website interesting by keeping it updated. Either embed posts from social media (this also helps SEO) or update it regularly. 
  8. Easy to click Call-to-Action. Make it easy for the user to purchase your product/service!